Process a VFP file (typically outputted from Prosper or similar) and relayout the data into a tabular format, exported to CSV.

The table will always contain the columns FILENAME, VFPTYPE, TABLENUMBER and DATUM. Depending on the VFPTYPE (possible values: VFPINJ or VFPPROD) you will get different columns with data: BHP, THP, ALQ, WGR, OGR, WCT, GOR, LIQ

Do not depend on column order. TABLENUMBER is not enforced unique, it is taken from whatever the data indicates, which can conflict. FILENAME is absolute or relative, depending on the input.

usage: vfp2csv [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [--version] vfpfiles [vfpfiles ...]

Positional Arguments


Text files containing VFPPROD/VFPINJE

Named Arguments

-o, --output

Name of output CSV file

Default: “vfptables.csv”


show program’s version number and exit