Interpolation script for relperm tables.
The script reads files with SWOF/SGOF tables (or family 2) with base/high/low curves in SWOF and SGOF tables from files and interpolates in between, using interpolation parameter(s) in the range [-1,1], so that -1, 0, and 1 correspond to low, base, and high respectively.
The tables must contain both SWOF and SGOF (or SWFN and SGFN) to ensure consistent endpoints. Files for base, low and high must be declared, however they may be identical in the case only “low” and “high” is available, and together with an adjusted interpolation parameter range.
The interpolation parameter param_w
in the YAML configuration will be used
to interpolate KRW, KROW and PCOW. The parameter param_g
is used for KRG,
KROG and PCOG. These parameters can be set individually pr. SATNUM.
usage: interp_relperm [-h] -c CONFIGFILE [-r ROOT_PATH] [--version]
Named Arguments
- -c, -C, --configfile
Name of YAML config file
- -r, --root-path
Root path assumed for relative paths in config file, except for the output file.
Default: “./”
- --version
show program’s version number and exit
# Example config file for interp_relperm
# SWOF and SGOF in one unified or two separate files.
# Absolute or relative paths are accepted. Relative paths are
# interpreted with respect to command line option --root-path
- /project/snakeoil/r017f/ert/input/relperm/
- ../include/
- /project/snakeoil/user/best/r001/ert/input/relperm/
pyscalfile: scal_input.xlsx # Optional, alternative to providing low/base/high
result_file: # Required: Name of output file with interpolated tables
family: 1 # Eclipse keyword family. Optional. 1 is default, 2 is the alternative
delta_s: 0.02 # Optional: resolution of Sw/Sg, defaulted to 0.01
# Required: applied in order of appearance so that
# a default value for all tables can set and overrided
# for individual satnums later.
- tables: []
# Required: list of satnums to be interpolated
# empty list interpreted as all entries
# for individual satnums later.
param_w: -0.23
param_g: 0.44
# Required: list of satnums to be interpolated
# empty list interpreted as all entries
- tables: [1]
# will only apply to satnum nr. 1, for SWOF and SGOF
param_w: -0.23
param_g: 0.24
- tables: [2,5,75]
# applies to satnum 2, 5, and 75, for SWOF
# (not SGOF since param_g not declared) SGOF
# will be interpolated using 0.44, from above.
# If a parameter not set, no interpolation will
# be applied ie base table is returned
param_w: 0.5