merge_rft_ertobs is a tool mainly intended for usage as an ERT forward model and has examples in the ERT documentation.

From the command line it can be run for debugging.


Collect ERT RFT observations and merge with CSV output from GENDATA_RFT. Dump to CSV file for visualization in Webviz.

Observation are found in *.obs files in the OBSDIR argument. From the observation filename, both the wellname and “report_step” are extracted, assuming a filename syntax <wellname>_<report_step>.obs where the report_step is less than 10. If filenames are not like this, report_step is interpreted to 1.

”report_step” in this context refers to the GEN_DATA keyword in the ERT config and the RESTART argument for GENERAL_OBSERVATION in the ERT config.

usage: merge_rft_ertobs [-h] [-v] [-o OUTPUT] [--version] gendatacsv obsdir

Positional Arguments


Filename with simulated RFT information in CSV, assumed produced by GENDATA_RFT


Directory with ERT observation data

Named Arguments

-v, --verbose

Be verbose

Default: False

-o, --output

Output CSV file

Default: “rft_ertobs_sim.csv”


show program’s version number and exit