
The script pack_sim will read trough a data file and copy all include files to one include directory in the so-called packing directory. It will also generate a new DATA file in the packing directory with relative include paths. This way a simulation model can be quickly packed to be, for example, distributed to a partner company. The script also works with include files in include files.

usage: pack_sim [-h] [-c] [-fmu] [--version] ECLIPSE_CASE PACKING_PATH

Positional Arguments


Name of the Eclipse case to be packed


Path towards the directory where the packed simulation model should end up.

Named Arguments

-c, --clearcomments

Set this switch (only -c, no further input required) to clear all comments during packing.

Default: False

-fmu, --fmu

Set this switch (only -fmu, no further input required) to save the the Eclipse model in standard fmu file structure (model/ and include/grid, include/props, etc folders)

Default: False


show program’s version number and exit