sector2fluxnum is a command line utility to generate sector models in Eclipse using the FLUX functionality



The script sector2fluxnum will execute different steps in a workflow for generating sector models in ECLIPSE and utilize the FLUX functionality in ECL100. The workflow will take user defined region of interest (ROI) and convert that into a FLUXNUM region that is possible for ECLIPSE to include. This includes crossing well trajectories.

Futhermore, the script will generate a template FLUX file and populate this with restart data from the RESTART file. This way it is not necessary to run a full DUMPFLUX run if the ROI is changed.

The sector models have the same block resolution as the mother full-field model, but opens up for including LGR functionality.

Further details about usage and howto can be found here:

usage: sector2fluxnum [-h] [-i I] [-j J] [-k K] [-f FIPNUM] [-r RESTART]
                      [-e EGRID] [-w] [--fipfile FIPFILE]
                      [--fluxfile FLUXFILE] [--test TEST] [-v ECL_VERSION]
                      ECLIPSE_CASE OUTPUT_CASE

Positional Arguments


Eclipse input case


Name of output FLUX file with file extension .FLUX

Named Arguments


Sector box dimension. Example: -i 5-20


Sector box dimension. Example: -j 5-20


Sector box dimension. Example: -k 5-20

-f, --fipnum

Sector FIPNUM region. Example: -f 46

-r, --restart

Name of restart file read separately

-e, --egrid

Name of EGRID file read separately

-w, --well

Well data read from RST file

Default: False


Name of FIPNUM file read separately


Name of FLUXNUM file read separately


Name of predefined DUMPFLUX case for testing

-v, --ecl_version

ECL version