Compare a 3D parameter at two different timestamps in an Eclipse restart file, and write the difference pr. cell as a 3D grid parameter in ROFF grid format.

The file extension .roff will be added to the OUTPUT argument.

A file with date pairs must be supplied. This should be a text file with two space-separated dates pr. line, dates either in YYYY-MM-DD format (ISO-8601) or YYYYMMDD. Empty lines and lines starting with “–” or “#” are ignored.

usage: ecldiff2roff [-h] [--diffdates DIFFDATES]
                    [--outputfilebase OUTPUTFILEBASE] [--sep SEP]
                    [--datesep DATESEP] [--datefmt DATEFMT] [-v] [--version]
                    eclroot prop

Positional Arguments


Eclipse rootname. UNRST must lie alongside


Property name to compute difference for, example SGAS

Named Arguments


File containing a date pair pr line, in YYYYMMDD or YYYY-MM-DD format. Space-separated


Filename base for output files. Can contain a relative or absolute path.

Default: “eclgrid”


Separator used to construct filenames

Default: “–”


Separator used in datepairs in output filenames

Default: “_”


Dateformat in output filenames

Default: “YYYYMMDD”

-v, --verbose

Be verbose

Default: False


show program’s version number and exit